Thinking for a Change
Bonjour critiques the three foundationalist conceptions of epistemic regressive termination. He is quite effective at describing what is not the truth and why it is that such is not. However, he lacks effect in telling us what is the truth. In this article I will reiterate Bonjour’s arguments against the regression-solves of the three foundationalisms, and thereafter I will provide an alternative solution to this wicked epistemic crux. The three foundationalisms discussed are: Strong Foundationalism, Weak Foundationalism, and Externalism.
Regression and Foundationalism
Weak foundationalism is next up to bat, and it is the argument of weak foundationalists that beliefs are not strong enough to stand alone, however there are still beliefs which possess certain --weaker-- self-justificatory attributes, and it is when many of these weak beliefs come together that they form a stronger, whole foundational claim - “[b]y combining such beliefs into larger and larger coherent systems, it is held, their initial, minimal degree of warrant can gradually be enhanced until knowledge is finally achieved” (Bonjour, 1978).
Bonjour is entirely unconvinced by these foundationalist arguments. He claims that the very concept of having a belief which is self-justifying (in either the strong or the weak sense) is inherently contradictory. For it is the nature of a belief in the traditional account to require independent justification, so any belief which requires no independent justification is therefore not true, and therefore not a belief, and thus is incapable of conferring justification on some other belief; for the concept of an unmoved mover is no more rational in epistemics than it is in theology (Bonjour, 1978).
The further move of the foundationalist is to escape from the sticky web of subjective inference, and go outside of the self. This concept is known as Externalism, and it makes the claim that the regression terminates in a belief which is justified by a source of knowledge from the world outside of the mind. For example, my belief that I am observing a white table is justified by the fact that there is a white table which I am observing - from the mind to the world we have now come, and it would be ridiculous to request further justification because there being a white table is not a belief, it is an observable fact, and therefore exempt from such justificatory requests. Bonjour, while seeming to enjoy this option more than the others, is still dubious of its authority over the regress. He brings up the concern that this seems like an ad hoc escape from under the thumb of the problem of regression, meaning that: the whole issue with regression is precisely the fact that it is internal. I find Bonjour’s proposition of the ad hoc-ness of the externalist account to be weak - I believe it to be a perfectly reasonable solve, to claim that: ‘listen, this problem is so insurmountable because you are fundamentally misunderstanding the scope of possible solutions; and when this wider scope is taken into account the problem actually becomes much less of a problem and more of an honourable mention’. Although I can see how such a solution would cause distress to anyone who has spent months or years attempting to solve this problem, only to be told ‘you misread the question’.
Another move of the externalist is one of ‘givenism’, and givenism rides the fence between the subjective and objective: positing that there exist certain ‘semi-cognitive’ states which are capable of justifying other beliefs without the need to be justified themselves (this sounds strangely familiar?). In describing givenism, Bonjour says that “[a given is when] mind or consciousness is directly confronted with its object . . . It is in this sense that the object is given to the mind” (Bonjour, 1978). In any case Bonjour remains unconvinced and suggests that, for givenism to be practical, the process of which the mind obtains objects would need, necessarily, to be infallible; which is plainly not the case - for I often see a face on the train of a person who it is not, and I often hear the voice of my mother calling me home when engaged in an unpleasant conversation.
Bonjour concludes that foundationalism “appears to be doomed by its own internal momentum” (Bonjour, 1978), and thus we may find ourselves right back where we started concerning the regressive epistemic crux. He does not leave us entirely high-and-dry though, for there is always skepticism. He also alludes to coherentism as a possible solution, while yet not suggesting that he is indeed claiming such - for “arguments by elimination are dangerous at best” (Bonjour, 1978).
Further Considerations
I find that the problem with knowledge is that we (humans) are the creators of the concept of knowledge, and are also the source-points of thought. Therefore we are attempting to determine objective facts about a subjective experience, and we are doing so by standing in the subjective and casting our gazes-of-longing out towards the unknown objective, and as they say - a fish cannot tell that it is in water. So how can we know the world for what it is, by means of that which creates it? The answer, I believe, is to step outside of it. God, for example, could be capable of observing human knowledge because God is from without that which it examines. But God would not be able to observe God knowledge because God exists within its own set, and therefore only Super-God would be able to observe God knowledge, yet even Super-God would not have access to Super-God knowledge. You likely recognize this pattern of problems - it is a regress, albeit an inter-being regress rather than an intra-being regress.
While this inter-being problem is the same, and just as impossible to solve, it does in fact provide an interesting potential solution to the intra-being problem. If we, as humans, were able to step outside of ourselves, then we could look back in and know knowledge! This, similarly too, may sound familiar (and familiarly problematic) because it is another solve vis-a-vis the unmoved mover, or the self-justifying justifier, or the unjustified justifier (depending on your perspective). And here we find our solutions, in precisely the last place anyone would look to find them: within the problem itself. The solution to epistemic regression is to step outside of the self without stepping outside of the self; to justify the unjustified without the use of justification.
I can demonstrate this paradoxical conception by reference to the evolution of astronomical theory. Let us examine the progression from Ptolemaic astronomy to Copernican astronomy, or more plainly: the evolution from the geocentric Universe to the heliocentric Universe. When Ptolemy posited that the Earth remained stationary at the center of the Universe and the heavenly bodies traveled in perfect paths of uniformity around the Earth his model was extremely useful for understanding, and accurate for predicting, many things about the cosmos and the world in general - but Ptolemy did not have knowledge. Then Nicolaus Copernicus comes along and develops a theory that the Sun is in the middle and the planets move around it! This theory also explained much about the Universe and had strong predictive capability. This is where it is going to get a bit weird for you linear-rationalists out there: Copernicus does not have knowledge of Copernican astronomy, but he does have knowledge of Ptolemaic astronomy! He is able to justify his knowledge of Ptolemy’s suppositions by reference to his own suppositions and their subsequent alignment or misalignment. In the scientific lexicon, the separation between Ptolemaic and Copernican astronomy (and other ‘sets’ of the like) is known as differing paradigms. Copernicus is able to observe Ptolemy’s paradigm from without, because he is within his own paradigm and this affords him an objective view of the past which is based upon, and justified by, his subjective view of the present.
The criticism will certainly surface that Copernicus cannot justify his knowledge of Ptolemy unless he is able to justify his knowledge of himself (which I have said he cannot). But to claim such is to misunderstand my argument - for Copernicus has no need to justify his knowledge of himself precisely because Ptolemy had no need to justify his knowledge of himself! As history will support: the Copernican theory of the motions of the heavenly bodies was certainly not the last development in astronomy. For after Copernicus come Galileo and Keplar, and thereafter Newton, and thereafter Einstein, and thereafter Hubble - each one, in turn, justifying the previous and further justifying all those before (justification by means of confirmation, or disconfirmation). Today, 1.86 millennia after Ptolemy, there are still elements of his theory that hold true - for example, the supposition that there are celestial bodies outside of the Earth and they move around: this statement can be claimed as strong knowledge for it is many justificatory iterations deep and yet still holds to be the apparent case.
One interesting development of this particular way of looking at knowledge is that one may never possess knowledge in the present, for one remains locked within one’s own paradigm. This is not to say that one must come to death before others may know whether or not one’s knowledge held merit, but rather to suggest that it is impossible to come into a belief and at the same moment possess that belief as knowledge. In the immortal words of Mario the Astrophysicist: “it is a temporal issue - wherein true, justified belief holds up over time” (Mario, In-Class Discussion, 2018).
Bonjour, Laurence. (1978). A Critique of Foundationalism. In L.P. Pojman. (2005). The Theory of Knowledge: Classical and Contemporary Readings (3rd ed., pp. 182 - 193). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
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